
Couples Work: This is a passion project of mine and I have done extensive post-master's training to be able to provide highly effective help to couples who seek it. From a very young age I felt the power relationships hold to uplift and empower and to hurt and destabilize us. I'm committed to advanced level on-going couples training to provide the most effective relationship therapy I can. We all deserve to feel safe, loved and connected.


Parenting and Attachment: So much hinges upon a child's experience of their first 5 years. And yet those are the years that tend to be the most stressful for parents and caregivers. So many of us learned maladaptive parenting strategies growing up - even when our own parents had all the best intentions - because research hadn't yet shown us that a growth mindset coupled with safe, respectful attachments is what builds resilience in kids. The trouble is, when we're stressed, we default to the ways we were raised, despite our own commitments to secure attachment parenting. I find it deeply rewarding to work with parents who want to change their default mode, and have dedicated my career to studying attachment and nervous system regulation techniques to help you get there.


EMDR: Small or large, trauma effects us all, leaving us with experiences of anxiety and shame that range from barely conscious to utterly disruptive. Through extensive post-master's training and study, I've learned to help clients transform the experience of trauma in the nervous system. I'm trained in one of the most widely endorsed, evidence-based trauma treatments there is, EMDR. Because it's so profoundly helpful, I tend to use it with most clients, even those who have no significant trauma history, as it helps with general anxiety and many other common conditions. I've been fortunate to have been mentored and taught by senior clinicians in various other somatic trauma treatment modalities. I bring years of somatic strategies with me to my trauma work. For many people the healing work is so profound it feels like magic.

Jenny Kepler is an amazingly gifted, compassionate, and skilled therapist. Her warm, grounded, and authentic presence make it easy to open up and talk about the more difficult stuff.